1. ䷀Ch’ien / The Creative

1. Ch’ien / The Creative

Judgement: The Creative achieves sublime success, furthering through perseverance. Image: Heaven.

Hexagram #1 is made of 6 firm lines, the trigram Heaven ☰ over the trigram Heaven ☰ . This doubling creates movement in in the energy that gives rise to everything. Time is the place in which action can unfold. The Creative is the proper unfolding of right actions at the right time which leads to success.

I do not have the gear assembled for this work yet, so I begin the journey I can begin. I carried the I Ching and a simply walking stick I found by the trail. I walked +10 miles. The weather was perfect, 60F. I traversed Mt Wantastiquet, Daniels and Bear and entered Pisgah State Park where I walked to the shelter before turning back. I was out for 11 hours. I paid attention to the moments I was getting ahead of myself. My breath changed, my muscles tensed. When I pushed time for some other moment, thought of an end goal, my present moment shriveled and I became anxious. I brought myself back to the moment with my footsteps. This can happen with breath too. The body is good at asking us to be in the moment with pleasure or pain or a given task. On occasion, I sat by a view reading from the I Ching trying to apply it.

It is Monday 6 April. I begin Mountain Tea with the Creative, the primal force, the origin of all things. I begin with movement, right action, with a commitment to letting things unfold in time, to persevering.
I met Eric and Clark on Wantastiquet. They are 71 and 82 years old and avid hikers. Eric has 7 peaks to go before he finishes the 48 highest peaks in NH. Clark has a son, a boat builder, in Port Townsend. That seemed synchronistic because today I am carrying a question from Julie of Port Townsend, WA. Her question: Amid the frantic anxiety, how can I stay slow to build nourishing ground both within myself and for all earth’s systems and beings to flourish as one? The coins she tossed yielded Hexagram #4 Youthful Folly changing to Hexagram #18 Decay/Work That Has Been Spoiled.
The frogs were so loud in 2 high mountain pools, I thought they were crows. I saw wild turkeys, black butterflies chipmunks, hawks and a skunk. I stepped in one mud puddle in the dark on my way out. I did not get my headlamp out. Candlelight led me home. 
Next week I may have the gear I need to spend the night out. I may have the bamboo whisk and a tea bowl made by a potter I know. A small tin of matcha tea arrived today. Small forward steps, persevering with right action.